Are Hot Flushes driving you Crazzzy!!!
This week I have been getting a stream of woman coming into the clinic complaining of severe Hot Flushes. This run of hot weather we are having certainly doesn’t help. I also think that the stresses of Christmas, juggling kids, work and family life is a major contributor.
Hang on!!! Are you saying that my hot flushes and night sweats are not just about my hormones and that stress could play a role too?
That’s correct. As the oestrogen produced in the ovaries reduces your body asks your adrenal glands to produce small amounts of oestrogen. This is important for helping maintain hormonal equilibrium. For various reasons if the adrenal glands are unable to produce this amount of oestrogen then your menopause symptoms will increase.
Most woman have had a stressful life working, raising children etc… and therefore by the age of 45 yo their adrenal glands are often very tired or may even be suffering from adrenal fatigue. When the adrenal glands are asked to do yet another job, and produce more oestrogen, they can’t and the menopause symptoms are the result.
How I treat Hot Flushes and Night sweat.
Treating the adrenal glands is the most beneficial way of reducing menopause symptoms.
Nourishing and strengthening the adrenal glands allows them to function correctly and produce enough oestrogen to alleviate the symptoms of Hot Flushes and Night Sweats. Additionally most woman will experience a significant increase in their energy levels and their ability to cope with the everyday stresses of life. Improved adrenal function will also help reduce anxiety, depression, stress, improve sleep patterns and reduce aches & pains.
If you also suffer from vaginal dryness then try taking a teaspoon of flaxseed daily. These contain phyto oestrogens and have been shown to reduce dryness significantly.
Pretty cool eh … no flushes or sweats, better sleeps and more energy.
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Written by Award Winning Naturopath Tony Daniel from Capalaba Natural Health.