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menopause symptoms can be treated by a naturopath

How a Naturopath can help with Women’s Menopausal Symptoms

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Getting older is not for the faint of heart, and for women, reaching a “certain age” can come with a whole host of symptoms which can range from occasional discomfort to downright debilitating.

women's health represented by flowers in shape of reproductive system

Women’s Health during Menopause

Most women enter perimenopause or menopause between the ages of 45 and 55; with the supply of eggs in the ovaries now exhausted, the menstrual cycle wanes and eventually ceases, and oestrogen levels drop.

While the experience of menopause is different for every woman, it is quite common to feel that your health, vitality and energy levels are suffering as a result of:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Night sweats and hot flushes
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Aches and pains
  • Brain fog
  • Digestive issues
  • Low libido
  • Reproductive dryness
  • Painful, heavy or irregular periods (Perimenopause)
  • Mood swings
  • Hair thinning

woman with hair thinning

They say that women in their 40’s and 50’s are in the “prime of life” – but it’s hard to feel that way when you are dealing with symptoms like these!

Some women breeze through menopause with little to no symptoms; others have issues that come and go; but many struggle with symptoms for years.

However, just because you’ve reached a certain age, doesn’t mean that you should assume it’s “just menopause”. While these types of women’s health issues could very well be related to the change of life, there could be other factors at play.

Naturopath for Women’s Health

A naturopathic approach involves treating you as a whole person, not just as a collection of symptoms. When you see our award-winning naturopath, you can be confident that no stone will be left unturned to get to the heart of your women’s health issues – whether that’s due to hormones, or something else entirely.

There are many natural ways of treating the symptoms of menopause. For example herbs such as Rehmannia help to cool the body, while Black Cohosh and sage will reduce or eliminate flushes and sweats.

menopause symptoms can be treated by a naturopath

Tony’s approach to treating menopause is to help with the immediate symptoms such as the flushes and sweats, but he also likes to work on the underlying drivers of these symptoms.

Did You Know!!!

When a woman’s cycle stops her oestrogen drops significantly and this is one of the main reasons behind the symptoms of menopause. At this point the adrenal glands are meant to compensate by producing small amounts of oestrogen, therefore ‘keeping symptoms at bay’. If you have had a stressful life, worked hard, raised kids etc … then your adrenals are often too tired to do this extra job, can’t produce the oestrogen required, and therefore you have symptoms.

There are many ways we can naturopathically nourish your adrenals. If we nourish the adrenals not only will you get rid of flushes and sweats but we will also increase your energy levels, reduce stress or anxiety, plus increase your bodies coping mechanisms.

This approach not only gets rid of your symptoms but works on the underlying drivers of those symptoms.

In addition to increasing your energy levels and eliminating menopausal symptoms, if necessary, we can also help you lose weight.

Most woman typically lose between 1-1.5kg of weight per week.

This will help improve energy levels, self-esteem and reduce your risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cholesterol issues and cardiovascular disease. Reducing fat typically results in a lowering of menopause symptoms plus improves general help and vitality. For more information on how we can help you lose weight and feel great, see our article on “How a Naturopath can help me Lose Weight“. 

If you are experiencing other symptoms, then Tony our Naturopath can also help bring your body back into balance using proven, natural treatment approaches. This may include other testing options or other treatment options …

Naturopathic Testing and Treatment Options

Hormone Testing: When it comes to women’s health issues, hormone testing is often the first port of call. The human body has a delicate chemistry so even small fluctuations can have big consequences – no wonder many women suffer during menopause! The good news is that our naturopath can prescribe natural herbal remedies that are effective in addressing hormone imbalances, thus reducing troublesome symptoms.

FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent: Our naturopath is trained in FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent), which is a non-invasive, painless treatment that reduces pain and inflammation, anxiety and stress. FSM uses specific electrical frequencies to encourage natural healing in your body; you can read more about its effectiveness in our blog post “FSM Therapy for Natural Pain Relief”.

Food Intolerance Testing: As you grow older, certain foods may no longer agree with you – even if you’ve never had any issues before. You may think you are doing the right thing by consuming “healthy” foods such as bananas, nuts, capsicum or avocado, not realising that they are in fact the culprit causing you to feel unwell!

A simple food intolerance test at Capalaba Natural Health will assess your reaction to 59 common food items. Once any intolerances are detected, we will work with you to create a dietary plan that eliminates the triggering foods – and our patients are frequently amazed at how quickly this gets rid of bloating, abdominal pain and discomfort.

Check Essential Minerals and Heavy Metals: Ensuring we have the right balance of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium in our bodies is vital for optimum health. Magnesium deficiency for example can cause muscle cramps or annoying restless leg syndrome, preventing you from enjoying a good night’s sleep – which can further impact on your overall wellbeing.

But not only will a deficiency in these minerals lead to health problems, they are often exacerbated by excess heavy metals. By testing the levels of minerals and heavy metals in your body, our naturopath can then advise you of the best way to eliminate the toxins, and address any mineral deficiencies that are affecting your health.

women's health and happiness

Naturopath for Menopause Redlands

If you live or work in the Redlands area or in nearby suburbs on Brisbane’s southside, your nearest naturopath for women’s health issues such as menopause is located at Capalaba Natural Health.

So, take the first step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle and contact us today on (07) 3823 3103 to book a consultation today.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Naturopathy: An Effective Treatment for Anxiety

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Anxiety affects one in six Australians – but not all anxiety is bad!

A short burst of adrenaline when taking an exam, or preparing to run a race, can help us perform at our best. It’s when anxiety is prolonged that it can really wreak havoc on our health and wellbeing.

anxiety helps us perform better in races

Once anxiety is triggered in our emotional mind, a message is sent to all body systems alerting them to danger – regardless of whether the threat is real or imagined.

The brain floods the body with hormones and chemicals activating our “fight, flight or freeze” response. Once the danger has passed, the brain and body usually revert to a more peaceful state, however with anxiety, the mind still perceives the threat even after it’s long gone.

Over time, anxiety can become insidious – quietly growing in the shadows until it becomes pervasive, enduring and debilitating.

The great news is that there are many fantastic ways to treat anxiety naturally and effectively.

Where does anxiety come from?

From a naturopathic perspective, anxiety can arise from many different factors. The most common are:

Dysregulation of the adrenals stress response mechanisms: Your adrenals help govern your energy levels but also your stress response. In anxiety this system is ‘locked on go’ and therefore needs to be relaxed and calmed down. There are some great herbs and nutrients which can aid the body’s nervous system and adrenals to relax. We can also use our Frequency Specific Microcurrent device to unblock the nervous system and bring it relaxation. This treatment works quickly and is very effective at helping with anxiety.

Nutritional Deficiencies: In particular, deficiencies in macronutrients such as protein and healthy fats, or micronutrients such as B vitamins, and minerals like magnesium and iron. B vitamins are critical to the nervous system, its processes and its ability to cope with stress. Magnesium in particular helps relax the nervous system and your muscles, and also helps manage stress and anxiety. Restless leg syndrome, cramping, anxiety, stress, headaches and fatigue all point to low magnesium levels.

Blood Sugar Irregularities: These can mimic and contribute to anxiety. Low blood sugar levels / hypoglycemia mimics anxiety symptoms. Additionally other imbalances in the endocrine systems, whether hormonal, thyroid, or adrenals can drive anxiety. There’s evidence that hormonal fluctuations such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance or low estrogen (at menopause) are linked with anxiety. Also low neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and GABA will also contribute to anxiety, depression, increased stress and low tolerance to life’s daily challenges. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can also cause irritability and disturbed sleep … and even insomnia.

Diet and Caffeine: Poor diet and excessive stimulants such as tea and coffee can drive anxiety as many people are sensitive to caffeine.

Inflammation: Low-grade chronic inflammation or an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis can contribute to mental health conditions such as anxiety. In this instance, anti-inflammatory herbs such as corydalis, devils claw and curcumin have shown to be of benefit. If you are feeling tired and / or in pain, your tolerance levels go down and stress levels plus anxiety can increase. The same can be said with digestive issues which are often driven by food intolerances.

Genetic Imbalances: There are also certain genetic imbalances such as pyrrole disorder or MTHFR gene mutations which drive anxiety along with other signs and symptoms. These can be easily tested and are often associated with OCD, ADHD and autism spectrum disorders … as well as anxiety disorders. Natural nutrients can be prescribed to support these conditions and significant changes can occur.

Why See a Naturopath for Anxiety?

As you can see there are a number of factors that can drive anxiety. Our award winning Naturopath, Tony Daniel, is trained to identify the main drivers of your anxiety and how best to help reduce them naturally and effectively. Tony uses a combination of case taking, questionnaires, medical test results and functional pathology testing to ensure you get the best care and results.

herbs and naturopathy for anxietyHaving identified the main drivers of your anxiety Tony will devise a treatment plan for you using a combination of natural nutrients, herbs, diet and / or frequency specific microcurrent to help you reduce your anxiety and feel as balanced as possible.

Tony’s all natural approach is successful and been used for over 15 years. And because it is a natural approach, there are a lot less unwanted side effects!

So if you’re finding anxiety is negatively impacting your daily life, don’t delay any longer.  Pick up the phone and make an appointment today!

Improving and balancing the positive minerals in your body, while using natural substances to help expel toxic heavy metals, is a great way to support your physical and mental wellbeing.

Our award-winning naturopath, Tony Daniel, has a special interest in this area – so if you are ready to transform your health, book an appointment today on (07) 3823 3103!

Balancing Minerals and Metals in the Body

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There are so many elements of our modern lifestyle which can negatively impact our health and wellbeing. Poor diet, stress, and lack of physical activity, all increase our risk of developing chronic conditions.

While most of us realise that a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet packed with vitamins and minerals are important, what is not as commonly acknowledged is the side-effects of ongoing exposure to toxins such as heavy metals.

nutritious snack with minerals at desk

What is the Difference between Minerals and Metals?

A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic substance, with specific chemical composition and a crystal structure. Your body uses minerals for many functions including bone health, boosting your immune system, enzymes and hormones, plus ensuring your muscles, nerves, heart and brain are operating optimally. Without sufficient minerals we could become sick and develop diseases.

A metal is an element that is typically hard, opaque and shiny, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. Heavy metals have no health function in the body, and in fact disrupt or disregulate  your body’s natural processes. There is no ideal level for heavy metals and it is better for our bodies to be free of them completely.

Minerals and their Benefits

Our bodies need adequate intake of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, copper, iodine, selenium and magnesium, to support proper growth, healing and general wellbeing. Consuming the following foods can help replenish the minerals in your body:

  • Sesame seeds, almonds and spinach (calcium)
  • Oysters, pine nuts and black beans (zinc)
  • Beef, soy and lentils (iron)
  • Avocado, chicken and potato (magnesium and potassium)
  • Eggs, edible seaweed, shrimp, fish, oysters (iodine)
  • Eggs, chicken, tuna, turkey, brown rice, salmon, nuts and seeds (selenium)

nurients and minerals in an apple

Symptoms of Mineral Deficiency

Mineral deficiencies often occur gradually, and over time could lead to a range of problems – from weak bones to chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, or a compromised immune system. The symptoms that appear will depend on which mineral the body is missing, but may include:

  • Constipation, bloating or abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Restless legs
  • Sugar cravings
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Heavy Metals and their effects on the Body

Our bodies absorb these toxic heavy metals, and are ill-equipped to remove them. Over time, heavy metals tend to accumulate in our systems, eventually causing adverse health effects.

Some of the most common heavy metals that we come into contact with include copper, cadmium, arsenic, lead, aluminium, fluoride and mercury.  Our exposure to these metals comes from various sources, such as:

  • Cigarette smoke (cadmium)
  • Deodorants, soil, fruit juices (aluminium)
  • Pollution (cadmium, lead)
  • Paints (lead)
  • Fish (mercury)
  • Dust (cadmium)
  • Cosmetics (lead, arsenic and mercury)
  • Drinking water (arsenic, copper)
  • Pesticides (copper)
  • Amalgam fillings (mercury)

One reason that these heavy metals are so toxic to our body, is that they interrupt the absorption and metabolism of essential minerals. Heavy metals also disrupt the functionality of your brain, nervous, and hormonal systems, which is one of the reasons they can affect so many different parts of the body and can present with such varied symptoms.

toxic heavy metals from car exhaustsSymptoms of Excess Heavy Metals

These symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia and unrefreshing sleep
  • Tics and restless legs
  • Brain fog
  • Memory issues
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • IBS
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Thyroid issues
  • Excessive PMS and Hormonal Symptoms
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Ongoing flu-like symptoms
  • ADHD, OCD and Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Hyperactivity in children
  • Unexplained irritability and aggression
  • Fibromyalgia

Transform Your Health

At Capalaba Natural Health, we can check your body’s positive minerals to see which deficiencies may be contributing to your symptoms; as well as check to see if you have excessive heavy metals and whether they are disrupting your health.

Improving and balancing the positive minerals in your body, while using natural substances to help expel toxic heavy metals, is a great way to support your physical and mental wellbeing. Our award-winning naturopath, Tony Daniel, has a special interest in this area – so if you are ready to transform your health, book an appointment today on (07) 3823 3103!

FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent for Natural Pain Relief

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Do you live with ongoing pain?  If so, you’re not alone.

It’s estimated that one in five Australians aged over 45 experiences chronic pain.

Sore back? Have you tried FSM frequency specific microcurrent therapy?

Chronic pain results from damage to body tissue, and can endure long after the original condition has healed, as the nerves continue to signal pain.

People who live with chronic pain often experience loss of function and decreased enjoyment of normal activities, as well as depression and anxiety.

There are many causes including injury, surgery, cancer, fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, to name but a few. 

What is FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent?

Energy medicine recognises that the human body uses various forms of energy for internal communications to maintain vital living systems.

Electrotherapy, a type of energy medicine, uses energies of specific intensities and frequencies to stimulate the repair of tissues and support the body’s in-built healing mechanisms.

Research over the past 20 years indicates that Frequency Specific Microcurrent is very effective at healing tissues and relieving pain. It focusses on the electric signalling of cells and how they resonate within the body.

A microcurrent device is used with two particular frequencies that address the problem at hand. Don’t worry – only low levels of electrical current are applied, and it is quite painless! Instead, patients usually find that the treated area becomes soft and warm within seconds of applying appropriate frequencies, inducing a sense of relaxation.

How Does FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent Work?

FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent operates on the premise that when a cell or tissue has been injured, its basic resonant frequency is changed. Returning the cell to its original frequency allows it to heal more efficiently.

The results are similar to acupuncture and other energy-based techniques, with FSM being especially good for nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and scar tissue.  Patients also report psychological benefits such as enhanced mood and improved cognitive function. 

experience natural pain reliefFSM and Pain Disorders

FSM is effective at treating pain disorders, including:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Pain associated with Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Somatic pain
  • Visceral pain
  • Arthritis
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Most pain conditions

The rate of healing depends on the individual’s condition, and the frequency used, but patients typically experience a reduction in pain from their first session. Generally it takes between three and five sessions to experience complete and permanent relief from pain.

FSM therapy is low-risk, non-invasive and incredibly effective.  So, if pain is an unwelcome, constant companion, contact our friendly team at Capalaba Natural Health and make an appointment without delay!

Can a Naturopath Help with Acne?

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Acne can be a miserable, chronic condition, with painful pimples, pustules, blackheads, nodules, and cysts appearing primarily on the face, as well as the upper arms, chest and back.

While acne typically begins in puberty, it’s not uncommon in people into their 20s, 30s and beyond.  Many women experience an increase in acne in their 40s due to hormonal changes.

At best, acne is unsightly. At worst, it can leave permanent scars, and not just on the skin. Acne brings emotional distress that affects self-esteem and can lead to social anxiety and depression.

Potential Causes of Acne

Acne is often related to a combination of factors, which may include:

could a naturopath for acne help this maleAcne occurs when the hair follicles on the skin become blocked by too much oil. Hormonal imbalances such as too much oestrogen or androgen (male hormone) can increase the amount of sebum your skin produces.

When this happens, the bacteria that usually resides harmlessly in our skin cells begin to multiply rapidly, disrupting the balance of the skin microbiome.

Inflammation and Acne

The overgrowth of bacteria stimulates the body’s inflammatory; thus, acne can be thought of as an inflammatory condition that affects the body’s largest organ, the skin.

Altered Gut Function

Like the skin, the gut has its own microbiome that plays a key role in the progression of acne. An imbalance in the gut microbiome known as intestinal dysbiosis negatively impacts the skin microbiome, contributing to acne and rosacea. Upsetting the delicate balance of gut bacteria may occur due to chronic stress, poor diet, food intolerances and lifestyle factors.

Dietary changes can have a direct influence on acne by the modulation of inflammatory cytokines.  Some fruits and vegetables in particular contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties, so eating a diet rich in apples, bananas, berries, citrus fruits, broccoli, and cauliflower is recommended.

Also eliminating the foods that you are intolerant to will take a load off your digestive system allowing it to repair and heal.

Naturopath for Acne

Rather than just treating the symptoms of acne, naturopathy is focused on identifying the root cause.

The appearance of acne is an indication that something is going on at a deeper level in the body, so all of the body’s interrelated systems need to be considered.  It’s also important that lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, food intolerances, stress, and exercise are taken into account.

At Capalaba Natural Health, our award-winning naturopath will work with your body to stimulate its natural immunity and reduce inflammation. This will involve checking your symptoms, hormone levels and testing for food intolerances, before developing a treatment plan, which may include supplements and lifestyle or dietary change medicines.

Treatment may also involve probiotics that optimise the health of the gut, and herbs like milk thistle and dandelion to improve liver function.

Taming Angry Skin

The topical application of natural acids and minerals can also play a role in acne treatment by soothing red, inflamed skin.

woman with acne looking in mirror

Alpha hydroxy acid removes the top layer of dead skin cells which “unplugs” blocked pores, and removes excess oil, helping pimples and lesions to heal.

Azelaic Acid is a natural acid found in wholegrain cereals.  It has an anti-inflammatory action and reduces skin pigmentation changes.  A formulation of 20% azelaic acid has been shown to be as effective as conventional retinoid and antibiotic preparations when used twice a week.

Zinc is a trace mineral that can help people with mild to moderate inflammatory facial acne lesions.  It’s found in certain foods such as some types of seafood, meat, and nuts.

If you are looking for a natural and holistic approach to managing problem skin, book an appointment with our naturopath for acne treatment today!

woman overcome with depression

Why See a Naturopath for Depression

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woman overcome with depression

Why See a Naturopath for Depression?

Did you know that around 45% of people in Australia will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime?  In fact, Beyond Blue, Australia’s most well-known mental health organisation, states that “at least one million people suffer from depression every year and over 2 million will suffer from anxiety.”

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest … it affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

Depression is an ongoing problem, not a passing one. It consists of episodes during which the symptoms can last for several weeks, months, or even years.

Depression Symptoms and Causes

There is a huge variety of symptoms and depression affects everyone differently, but some of the most common are:

  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Appetite changes
  • Difficulty in focussing or concentrating
  • Unexplained physical issues
  • Tiredness and general lack of energy
  • Loss of enjoyment

Scientists don’t fully understand the causes of depression but believe that things like genetics, social and environmental factors as well as major life trauma may all contribute.

Traditional treatment involves getting support from families and professionals, psycho-therapy and drug treatment regimes.

A Naturopathic Approach to Depression

As a naturopath, Tony at Capalaba Natural Health approaches depression treatment by trying to determine why you have depression. This means looking beyond potential chemical imbalances in the brain, and instead considering the whole body and its underlying deficiencies.

This holistic approach will include looking into possibilities such as adrenal fatigue, neurotransmitter imbalances, inflammation which is driving your depression, thyroid issues, hormonal and gut imbalances, and deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals which can contribute to the symptoms of depression.

Why See a Naturopath for Depression?

Naturopathic treatments centre around nutrition and lifestyle improvements and may include things such as:

  • Natural supplements, vitamins and minerals to correct identified imbalances
  • Changes to your diet
  • Elimination of foods that you may be intolerant to
  • Inclusion of exercise
  • Reducing reliance on caffeine and alcohol
  • Encouraging enough sleep and rest

At Capalaba Natural Health we can also offer Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy to help reduce your depression, balance your nervous system and help stabilise moods. (You can read more about Frequency Specific Microcurrent here.)

Addressing the reasons why you are struggling is your best chance at overcoming your symptoms. Depression can be treated with natural medicine combined with lifestyle changes.

Book an appointment with our Award Winning Naturopath for help with depression so that you can enjoy life to the full!

How To Start Reiki Healing

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How to start Reiki Healing

Many people have enjoyed the benefits and relaxation of Reiki healing. Reiki is a powerful tool that improves your body’s natural ability to heal, relax, sleep and much more. If you would like to learn how to start Reiki healing, read on. Learn more about Reiki, it’s benefits and how to get started with Reiki Courses learning from a Reiki Master.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a fusion of the Japanese words rei (meaning universal) and ki (meaning life force energy). Reiki is an eastern energy healing practice with roots dating back to ancient cultures. There are a number of different types of Reiki, but the most common form was developed and taught by Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Usui taught that the universal life force flows through all things, including plants, animals and the earth. During a Reiki session, the practitioner transfers energy to the client by placing their hands on or just above the areas that require energy transference. This supports the body’s natural ability to heal, speeds up healing times, relaxes, relieves pain and reduces symptoms of illness.

Reiki helps to remove energy blockages and improve the flow of energy in the body. Over time, energy can stagnate and pool in specific areas – creating an energy block. Given enough time, these energy blocks can cause illness and injury. Using Reiki to improve the flow of this energy will help remove the energy block, improving healing in the body.

The benefits of Reiki

Reiki has a large number of benefits, from speeding up healing times and supporting the immune system, to providing relaxation and improving your mental state. Some of the great benefits of Reiki include:

  • Supports And Speeds Up Healing

    Through the transference of energy, removal of energy blocks and improvement of energy flow, the body is able to better heal injury and sickness – speeding up healing times.

  • Relaxes And Relieves Tension

    Not only does the energy transfer make people feel relaxed and peaceful, a Reiki session is a time when one can enjoy a moment of stillness without any outside interruptions. This helps to relieve both physical and mental stress, relax and reflect.

  • Helps You Sleep Better

    The relaxation provided by a Reiki session can help the body to rest more easily and deeply, so much so that it’s not uncommon for people to fall asleep during a session.

  • Helps Spiritual Growth

    By improving the flow of energy through the body, Reiki impacts the mind, body and spirit. This elevates mood and encourages reflection, creating an opening to grow spiritually.

  • Supports The Immune System

    Regular Reiki sessions help to strengthen the immune system, helping the body resist disease and reduce fatigue.

  • Much more!

    There is so much more that Reiki can do to help improve your physical, mental and spiritual well being. To learn more about what Reiki can do for you or to book onto one of our Reiki courses , get in touch with Capalaba Natural Health today on (07) 3823 3103.

Why start Reiki Healing?

A common reason to perform Reiki is to be able to improve the wellbeing of others through energy healing. It is human nature to want to help & heal others, and Reiki is a powerful and intimate way to improve someone’s overall wellbeing.

Reiki can also be performed on yourself, providing you with all of the benefits any time you would like or need it. Having the ability to improve your own healing ability, mental clarity, relax and promote balance in your life is an amazing skill.

How to start Reiki Healing

There are 3 levels of Reiki, each providing you with different skills and abilities to provide Reiki for others:

  • Reiki Level 1
    During training for level 1 you will learn to channel the Reiki energy through your hands. You can now give Reiki to plants, animals, yourself, the earth, friends and family. You will not yet be able to charge a fee for giving Reiki to the public.
  • Reiki Level 2
    Reiki 2 training increases the power of your Reiki, teaches you the 3 initial Reiki Symbols, Space Clearing, allows you to send distant healings and teaches techniques for mental and emotional clearing. After the completion of Reiki 2 you can now charge members of the public for Reiki sessions, join an Association and get insurance.
  • Reiki Level 3 – Master
    You receive an Usui Masters attunement that connects you to the energies allowing you to teach Reiki. You will be shown how to attune students to the loving energy of Reiki so that you will come out as a teacher of Reiki in your own right, allowing you to carry on the Reiki lineage.

The most important place to start when looking for a Reiki Master is the Reiki teacher’s lineage. A true Reiki master should be able to draw an unbroken teaching lineage directly back to Mikao Usui, the father of modern Reiki.

At Capalaba Natural Health, Reiki Master Tony has been practicing and teaching in Brisbane for many years with a deep connection and understanding of the universal life energy existing in all things. Tony offers Reiki courses so you can learn these powerful skills for your own personal wellbeing and to help those around you. To get started, give Reiki Master Tony a call at Capalaba Natural Health today on (07) 3823 3103.

How To Lose Christmas Weight

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How To Lose Christmas Weight

For many of us, the Christmas holidays are a time to unwind, celebrate with family and enjoy incredible holiday food. To that end, it’s no surprise that on average people gain between 1-3kg of additional weight over the holiday season! This is usually caused by the combination of increased food and alcohol consumption, coupled with putting your feet up and letting your diet and exercise commitments go a little.

While you shouldn’t feel guilty about celebrating the end of a difficult year, it’s important that we take care of ourselves to ensure a happy and healthy new year. If you’ve changed your diet over the holidays and you’ve been experiencing digestive issues (such as bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhoea and more), you may also be seeing the effect of a food intolerance on your digestion.

If you’re looking to shed some holiday weight or you’ve begun to experience digestive issues, read on to find out how to get back on track and feel healthier in the new year.

Losing Christmas Weight

Losing weight can be a bit of a daunting task. There are so many different types of diets and exercise regimes – it can be difficult to know exactly where to begin and what’s right for you! Many individuals struggle to feel motivated by this and put off beginning their weight loss journey or fall off the wagon shortly after starting.

However, weight loss doesn’t have to be difficult and scary! Starting with small steps and introducing little but important changes to your diet is a great way to not only lose weight, but also receive all of your nutritional requirements. Coupled with simple lifestyle changes such as cutting down on alcohol, losing weight and feeling healthy doesn’t have to be hard! Some great ways to begin losing your Christmas weight include:

  1. Drink More Water

    Water is necessary for digestion, to absorb important nutrients from food, to get rid of waste, regulate body temperature and much more. Many people also confuse thirst with hunger and therefore snack when they should be drinking water or herbal tea instead. Being well hydrated ensures your body is functioning optimally and keep hunger at arm’s length.

  2. Eat Regular Meals

    Eating at regular times and ensuring you don’t skip breakfast helps you burn calories more effectively around the clock. It also stops you from feeling hungry throughout the day and opting for a quick, unhealthy snack.

  3. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

    Alcohol contains a large number of calories, it stops the burning of fat, can lead to poor food choices and can damage your liver, heart and more. Cutting down on alcohol is a really great way to keep healthy and lose weight.

  4. Eat More Fruit & Veggies

    Fruits and vegetables are low in fat and high in fibre. Fruit and veggies also contain many of the important minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to function. Adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet or trying out some different, healthier recipes are great ways to lose weight and shake things up in the kitchen.

  5. Plan Your Meals

    It can be easy to reach for unhealthy foods when you’re not sure what you’re having for your next meal, especially if you don’t have time to prepare something then and there. Planning your meals and preparing them in advance is a great way to ensure you’re never left hungry.

  6. Don’t Buy Junk Food/Unhealthy Snacks

    When you don’t have junk food or unhealthy snacks in your cupboard/fridge, it’s a lot easier to ignore the cravings. If you still feel snackish between meals, try eating healthy snacks in moderation such as fruit, vegetables, nuts or low-fat yoghurt.

  7. Do More Exercise

    Exercise doesn’t have to be intense work-outs at the gym (unless that’s what you like!). This works for some people, but for many it can lead them to quickly feel burnt out or unmotivated. Increasing your exercise in any way you can is beneficial for losing weight. This can include walking, running, yoga, cycling, playing sports and much more.

Combining these lifestyle and diet changes is a surefire way to lose some of that extra weight gained over Christmas without drastically changing up your life and schedule. With that said, it can be difficult to get started and sometimes a bit of extra help can really go a long way. At Capalaba Natural Health, we can help you reach your weight loss goals by listening to you, understanding your body and creating a personalised weight loss plan tailored specifically for you. We provide a free weight loss assessment to help you get started. Book an appointment online with award winning weight loss specialist Tony Daniel and begin your weight loss journey today!

Typically most woman lose between 1-1.5kg of weight per week and men lose between 1.5-2kg. Losing weight is the quickest and most effective way to improve your health and reduce your risk of some serious illnesses.

Food Intolerances

Over the holiday period, we usually eat a lot of food. Many of these foods that are eaten in moderation throughout the year become diet staples (including chocolate, cured meats, deserts, alcohol, snacks and more). We also eat a number of different foods that we don’t ever regularly have when at gatherings with friends and family. While these foods are delicious, these excessive (and usually unhealthy) diet changes can leave you feeling bloated, digestive discomfort or pain, nauseous or in digestive distress. If you’ve been feeling nauseous, uncomfortable, pain, bloated or have IBS type symptoms since the holiday period (even when returning to your normal diet), you may be exhibiting signs of a food intolerance.

If we don’t eat a food for a while and then we add it into our diet, if we are Intolerant to the food, our body really lets us know it is unhappy and IBS type symptoms occur.

A food intolerance is the inability to digest particular food items, usually due to lack of enzymes or overconsumption of a specific food. Symptoms include stomach pain, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and feeling gassy. Food intolerances are different to food allergies because they do not cause an immune response, a food intolerance means your body has difficulty digesting a specific food. Common food intolerances include dairy, eggs, almonds, wheat, yeast and gluten. Reducing or eliminating the food that you are intolerant or sensitive to can alleviate your IBS type symptoms and allow your body to repair itself.

Figuring out which food you are intolerant to can be difficult due to how long symptoms can persist even after stopping the problematic food. Food intolerance testing can quickly identify which foods are causing you problems. At Capalaba Natural Health, we provide food intolerance testing in Brisbane that is fast and reliable. We can help you come up with a diet that will alleviate your symptoms and get you back to feeling like yourself. Book a food intolerance test online and get started today.

Drop The Christmas Weight And Manage Food Intolerances

Using the information above, you can quickly and easily lose excess Christmas weight and get on top of food intolerances – leading to a happy and healthy new year. If you have more questions or would like to chat to a weight loss and food intolerance expert, give the team at Capalaba Natural Health a call on 07 3823 3103.

How You Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Through Weight Loss

By Blogs

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which your body is unable to adequately process glucose, leading to high blood sugar levels which damage the body over time. Your major source of energy is blood glucose and is extracted from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, aids glucose absorption into cells for use as energy. Your body may not be able to produce enough (or any) insulin, or you may have built up a tolerance. This causes your cells to absorb little to no glucose, leaving it remaining in your blood.

Having too much glucose in your blood can cause a number of major health issues, the most common being damage to your blood vessels leading to poor circulation and major organ damage. Other possible complications from frequent high blood sugar include:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Kidney disease
  • Vision issues (such as glaucoma or cataracts)
  • Digestive issues (such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain)
  • Much more.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes, And How Does It Differ From Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is caused by an autoimmune condition, where your immune system targets and kills the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas – causing the body to produce little or no insulin. The exact reason why the immune system targets these insulin producing cells specifically is unknown, however it is thought that genetics play a role. Type 1 Diabetes is most commonly diagnosed in children and young adults (sometimes called Juvenile Diabetes) although it can strike anybody at any age. As there isn’t a cure for the disease, people with Type 1 Diabetes must regularly take insulin for the rest of their lives. Around 10-15% of all diabetics are Type 1.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is developed when your body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin, causing your pancreas to work harder and harder to produce more insulin. Over time, your pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin to overcome the body’s built up resistance, leading to high blood sugar levels. The insulin producing cells in the pancreas can also become overused, leading to the death of these cells. Type 2 Diabetes typically develops in adults over 45 (sometimes called Adult Onset Diabetes), however it can affect people of any age including children. Hereditary factors can cause a strong genetic disposition to Type 2 Diabetes, however risk of Type 2 Diabetes is greatly increased if people have high blood pressure, are overweight/obese or do not regularly exercise. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form, with 85 – 90% of all cases being Type 2.

How A Naturopath Can Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes.

Although there is no cure for Type 2 Diabetes, research shows that people can achieve remission and maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication. This is done by making intensive dietary adjustments, losing weight and supporting your liver and it’s ability to process fats.

Losing weight will not only help reverse diabetes but will reduce cardiovascular disease, chronic illness will also increasing energy levels.

Additionally, research shows that people with poor liver function or those who have a fatty liver have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes. The same research also shows that improving liver function helps to reverse type 2 diabetes.

Naturopathically we have many ways to improve liver function and reverse a fatty liver.

Remission does not mean that you are entirely cured from Diabetes. As Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic illness, there’s always a potential that symptoms can return even if you’re in remission. With that said, some people can spend years without having to worry about their glucose levels or the health issues that come with Diabetes as long as a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is upheld.

As Diabetes is a progressive disease, catching it early is the best way to stop it from developing further. Changing your diet and lifestyle within 10 years of insulin resistance beginning to form (and ideally within 4 years) provides a good chance you can experience measurable benefits to your lifestyle. As such, it’s important to get a blood test if you notice any of the symptoms including:

  • Increased thirst (to a point of excess)
  • Increased urination
  • Lethargy and feeling tired
  • Always being hungry
  • Having cuts that heal slowly
  • Itching
  • Skin infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Gradually weight increase
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Feeling dizzy

Get Started Managing Your Diabetes

Improving liver function, weight loss and diet can be your strongest weapons when managing Type 2 Diabetes, however it can be difficult to lose weight and develop/maintain a healthy anti-Diabetes diet. Our team at Capalaba Natural Health can work with you to develop a diet and lifestyle to help you get on top of your Type 2 Diabetes. Give us a call on (07) 3823 3103 to chat to our Award Winning Naturopath Tony Daniel and get started on your Diabetes management journey today and start feeling healthy!

Intermittent Fasting to Maintain Weight

How To Maintain Weight With Diet Structure

By Blogs

Have you recently lost weight and you are wondering how you can maintain your results? You don’t need to rigorously diet or starve yourself in order to maintain a healthy weight. It is important to avoid “yo-yo dieting” and make sure you are still enjoying a balanced diet in order to manage your weight sustainably. In order to stave off cravings and still give you the nourishment you need, we recommend considering your diet structure.

Best Diet Structures For Weight Maintenance

There are a number of diet structures that you can follow that will help you stay on track and maintain a healthy weight. In this article we share our top recommendations for ways to structure your diet that can help you keep the weight off while also preventing feelings of deprivation.

Low Carb Wellness or Mediterranean Diet

Diets that are low in carbohydrates are popular and effective for weight loss, but they are not all equal. When you are actively reducing one of the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat, and protein) in your diet, you need to increase one of the other macronutrients in order to maintain a balanced diet. You will likely need to increase your protein intake a little bit and your fat intake even more. However, the right ratio of carbs to fat to protein will vary for each individual depending on body type, age, and activity levels.
A really popular low carb diet structure that has helped many people both lose and maintain weight while also ensuring proper nutrition is the Mediterranean diet. It is one of the most healthy diet structures and also one of the most sustainable. It is usually low in carbohydrates but its main focus is on consumption of nutrient-rich whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats (mostly unsaturated), and some meats such as poultry and seafood. There have been many clinical trials on the effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet to lose weight but to also keep it off. It is also an anti-inflammatory diet so helps with long term health issues such as Arthritis and reduces auto-immune associated signs and symptoms. Ask our weight loss specialist Tony about how you can implement the Mediterranean diet structure.

5:2 Lifestyle Diet

The 5:2 diet is also called the “fast diet” – if you prefer to lose and maintain weight with diet structure rather than following a strict menu plan, this is perfect for you. It allows you to eat a normal, balanced diet 5 days of the week, and restricts your calories to 500 per day for the other 2 days of the week. This pattern of eating allows you to enjoy a wide variety of foods as it does not cut out any particular food group or macronutrient. Its simplicity and flexibility makes it one of the most popular and sustainable diet structures. However, it is important to note that overindulging or binge-eating during the 5 days of “normal eating” does reduce the effectiveness of the diet. It is a great idea to obtain an estimate of how many calories you should consume for your body type, age, and activity levels during these 5 days. To find out how many calories you need daily, book your free 30min weight loss assessment with Tony at Capalaba Natural Health.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular method of weight loss and weight maintenance, and there are a number of ways you can do it. All methods have produced great results, so it is all about working out which one suits you and your lifestyle the most. You want it to be a sustainable solution rather than a band-aid fix. Essentially, intermittent fasting is a way to structure your eating pattern so that you are consuming food within a certain window of time during the day, and fasting for the rest of it. One of the most popular variations is the 16:8 method, wherein you restrict your eating window to about 8 hours of the day, and fast for the other 16 hours. This is the structure that Tony our Naturopath does. Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve brain and nervous system function, improve your immune system and also stimulates your bodies healing mechanism called autophagy. This is the process of your body breaking down and consuming older or damages cells.

If you are considering intermittent fasting, this is a great way to start out because you can still fit two or three meals in during the 8 hours, so it doesn’t feel like a drastic diet.

2-3 Day Juicing Diet

Completing a 2-3 day juice cleanse every 4-6 weeks can have a number of health benefits including:

  • Resetting your digestive system
  • Rehydrating your body
  • Regulating blood sugars
  • Reducing chronic inflammation
  • Promoting weight loss
  • Improving energy levels

It is important to note that when we say “juice” we are not referring to fruit juice concentrate. A juice cleanse is only beneficial if you are drinking fresh juice from fruits and vegetables to ensure your body receives enough nutrients. If you are considering completing a juicing diet, talk to our friendly team about how to do it properly – we can even provide you with juice recipes!

Seasonal HcG Diet

The HcG diet is a proven weight loss diet that is not only effective but also easy to do. A great option for weight maintenance is to consider using this diet seasonally. Going on the HcG diet each January and springtime if necessary for 3 weeks can help to reset your body and lose 3-4kg. It is a great way to manage your weight and get back into the habit of healthy eating if you have strayed away over the holidays! If your weight is increasing, you might consider doing HcG more strictly for a longer period of time. It is a flexible diet which offers reduced inflammation, improved energy levels, and effective fat loss. Learn more about the HcG diet here.

Do you want to lose and maintain weight with diet structure?

Are you reading about all the different weight loss diets and aren’t sure which one will work for you? Our weight loss specialist Tony can help you lose the weight and keep it off with effective and flexible diet structures that will suit you and your lifestyle. Find out more by calling us on 07 3823 3103 or contacting us here.

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