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Lose 8 KGS in 7 weeks

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So, we’ve all been there; looked at ourselves in the mirror and not liked what’s looking back at us. From our experience, the biggest factors to why people don’t lose weight is the impending dread to how long it will take to lose those extra kilos and the perceived effort it’s going to take.
We have assisted over 3,000 people lose weight quickly, safely and responsibly. More importantly, we’ve help people keep the weight off. In most cases, we’ve helped people attain their target weight very quickly.

Capalaba Natural Health specialises in weight loss solutions and our clients typically lose between 20kg and 30kg. People start their weight loss journey for wide and varied reasons. Maybe it’s to get healthier, for that upcoming wedding or maybe you’re looking to lose some post-pregnancy weight. We’ve seen many successful weight-loss journeys start with the hCG diet.

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Your Guide to the hCG Diet

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Everything you need to know about the hCG Diet

Losing those extra kilos is one of the simplest ways to restore your vitality and improve your overall well-being. In addition to leading a happier life, you can significantly reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers for a healthier life. Weight loss has also been proven to lower your blood pressure, boost your good cholesterol levels while lowering your bad and even see decreased joint pain and improved mobility. But what weight loss routines and diets actually work?

The HcG diet is the primary diet used at Capalaba Natural Health for those looking to lose weight quickly, in a safe and healthy manner. Removing the need to exercise, the HcG diet suppresses your appetite, includes a low-calorie meal plan and results losing between 1 – 2kg of weight loss per week.  We have successfully put over 3000 people on this diet and therefore have complete confidence in it’s ability to help you reach your weight loss goals.

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