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How to Eliminate Constipation and Feel Great

By March 26, 2021August 26th, 2021Blogs, Uncategorized

Constipation is defined as having hard, dry bowel movements or going to the toilet less than three times a week. It is one of the most common digestive issues and affects around 2.5 million people.


What causes constipation?

Your colon’s main job is to absorb water from residual food as it’s passing through your digestive system. It then creates stool (waste).

The colon’s muscles eventually propel the waste out through the rectum to be eliminated. If your stool remains in the colon too long, it can become hard and difficult to pass.

Poor diet frequently causes constipation. Dietary fibre is necessary to provide bulk to your stool to help it pass easily. Adequate water intake is necessary to help keep stools soft. Additionally if you don’t drink enough water, around 2L per day, then your colon will suck as much water from your waste as it can, contributing to a harder stool.

Stress, changes in routine, and conditions that slow muscle contractions of the colon or delay your urge to go may also lead to constipation.

Holding on to emotions can be another factor with constipation and our resident kinesiologist Sinead can help unblock those emotions and in turn unblock your colon. You can check out what Sinead does by clicking here:

Food Intolerances are also major contributor to constipation. By eliminating the food that you are intolerant to you’ll improve your digestive health, reduce bloating, pain, discomfort and help to pass your stool normally. Click here for more information on our in-house test which will test the 59 foods most people are intolerant to… helping you regain your digestive health.



How to treat and prevent constipation

  • Changing your diet and increasing your physical activity level are the easiest and fastest ways to treat and prevent constipation.
  • Add fibre rich foods to your diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, prunes, or bran cereal. Your daily intake of fibre should be between 20 and 35 grams.
  • Drink at least two litres of water per day to keep your bowels flushed clean and lubricated.
  • Reduce diuretics which remove water from your system
  • Cut down on low-fibre foods, such as meat, milk, cheese and processed foods.
  • Add fibre supplements to your diet if needed. Just remember to drink plenty of fluids because fluids help fibre work more efficiently.
  • Remove the foods that you are intolerant to.

High fibre food to help redduce constipation


Click here for more information on Naturopathy or how our Naturopath can help you improve your health and wellbeing. You can Call the clinic today to see Our Award Winning Naturopath Tony to see how he can help. You can also book online here.

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