So many of us get overwhelmed towards the end of the year. Already, we’re taking on a lot of responsibilities, most of us don’t recognise when it’s just too much.
People are busier today more than they have ever been before. Our jobs and its many duties can often stress us out and make us feel burned out by the end of the day. When we start to feel burned out it shows negatively in our daily lives.
After an already heavy year, we find our performance on the job is not at its best, and this does put even more pressure on us to perform at our best.
To prevent that end-of-year burnout feeling, consider these simple strategies to keep yourself going to Christmas break.
Here’s a tip: If you used these strategies all year, you may actually avoid burnout altogether!
Slow Down and Look at your Priorities
The very first thing that you can do to prevent burnout and recover is to slow down.
Take a step back and look at all of your responsibilities, not just in the workplace but in your home and personal life as well.
Write everything down without thinking.
Then, review them one by one asking yourself just one question: “is this task important?”
Now you will have a better understanding of the tasks that you can either focus on, reduce the amount of time necessary, stop doing it.
You don’t have to stop doing it completely – you’re just refocusing and deciding to do something more important until you actually have the energy, and are able to dedicate the time to put into it.
Make Use of your Support System
Another way to prevent burnout is to get support from the most important people in your life.
Most of us isolate ourselves when we are feeling stressed and frustrated, but this is the worst thing you can do.
Call up a friend or family member and tell them how you feel. You could plan a get-together or outing to help ease your mind of everything that is stressing you out.
Everyone has someone in their life they can turn to when they need a good talk, ask for advice and have an open mind.
If you really don’t feel you can speak with a friend or family member, you can always speak with a professional counsellor.
Don’t feel like you’re alone, there’s always someone who will be able to help and offer support.
Take a Break
Give yourself a break – go on, just do it!
You may be thinking that your life is so busy and hectic right now, that there is no way you have time to take a break, right?
This is exactly the time you need a break, so it’s important you find time or simply make time.
If you don’t allow yourself enough time to enjoy life and participate in things you enjoy, you will experience burnout.
If you have a hobby that you love but have been neglecting because of tight schedules, this is the perfect opportunity to make time a few days a week to pursue it.
Don’t think of it as a chore – if your hobby turns into another responsibility, it’s no longer a hobby and not enjoyable.
Relaxing Techniques
Get some exercise by going for a long scenic walk. Take in the beautiful nature around you and allow your mind to relax and wind down.
You can also try other activities that focus on the mind: yoga, tai chi, and meditation are all wonderful ways to de-stress and wind down.
Now, while meditation isn’t a form of exercise it can do wonders in anyone’s life that feels overwhelmed.
Practice slow breathing techniques, put on some great tunes and allow yourself to think of relaxing and simple things in life.
Give these techniques a go, and let us know how you go.