Holistic Kinesiology
The primary purpose of a kinesiology session is to identify stress and the underlying patterns and to re-balance the body, mind and spirit. Kinesiologists work on improving health and wellbeing by stimulating the client’s own healing potential. As Kinesiologists, we do not diagnose illness. We are often interested in what diagnosis has been given to a client, but we do not treat two clients with the same diagnosis in exactly the same way.
We use gentle muscle monitoring to access the underlying stress in a person’s system that may be blocking the body’s natural healing systems, so the treatment can be more efficient and effective. It is an extremely useful tool when used appropriately and in conjunction with other assessment tools such as orthopaedic and neurological assessment, homeopathic constitutions, Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and constitutions, counselling and client feedback.
Muscle monitoring is very good at assessing what is relevant for a stress that is current now. For example, checking what emotion underlies a particular ache or pain. We can use kinesiology to help people connect with their core and find their truth.
Kinesiology can help all areas of health and wellbeing. Kinesiology can relieve pain, stress, muscular and nervous disorders, detect allergies and nutritional deficiencies, assist with psychological and learning problems, stimulate energies and release untapped potential. It can assist with determining blocks in your life that may be preventing you from moving forward, it can bring awareness to the beliefs you have that are not beneficial to you and assist you in changing your perspective.
Anyone can benefit from a kinesiology balance. You do not need to have a specific illness or issue. The body can always benefit from some general maintenance. Sinead practices kinesiology from Capalaba Natural Health and helps clients from Brisbane, Capalaba and The Redalands.
Here are some examples of where Kinesiology can help
- Pain – back pain, headaches, migraines
- Stress, anxiety and depression
- Allergies and digestive disorders
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Insomnia
- Muscular and nervous disorders
- Concentration and memory
- Reading and learning difficulties
- Any many more