180g skinless chicken breast
1 cup mixed raw vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini
2 Tbsp Garam Marsala spice mix
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried nutmeg
1 tsp dried basil
1 Tbsp coconut oil/olive oil
Sea salt to taste
1. Coat chicken breast with coconut oil.
2. Sprinkle with Marsala powder and sea salt.
3. Wrap inside foil and bake in hot over for approx 20 minutes until cooked.
4. In a food processor, process all vegetables together until fluffy. (Grate or finely chop if no food processor)
5. Place vegetables in a bowl and add enough coconut oil until they bind together.
6. Place vegetable mixture onto a piece of foil and sprinkle with dried basil, parsley, and nutmeg.
7. Carefully bring up edges of foil and fold into a secure parcel, taking care to leave a little airspace inside.
8. Place vegetable packet in oven next to chicken parcel and cook for 15 mins.