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Spring Cleaning for the Body … Not just your House

By August 30, 2016December 15th, 2020Blogs

Spring Cleaning for the BodyDetox Now to Look & Feel Great

With the arrival of spring, we always think about spring-cleaning our house, but what about our bodies? Spring is the time to detox and feel great.

The health and condition of our body should be just as important as our house, if not more important. With the pressures of modern life, stress increases and we are exposed to numerous toxins.

Our bodies have to do a lot of hard work to keep us alive and feeling healthy and we should think about cleaning all the toxins out of them to keep us feeling happy and healthy.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, or simply wanting to better your health, spring is the perfect time to start a detox.

As the weather warms up, we all want to look good for summer and rather than leaving things to the last minute, why not make it easier by starting immediately?

Let’s talk about some things we can do to clean our bodies just like we do our house in the springtime.

HcG Diet for Detoxing your body

Personally my spring detox consists of me doing 3 weeks of the HcG Diet. It’s a great detox, cleanses your liver and gall bladder and gives your digestive tract the chance to heal itself. You will generally see your inflammation levels reduce while doing the HcG Diet and you will reduce your fluid retention levels. Another bonus is that most people will typically lose between 4-5 kg of weight from doing this type of detox.

It’s quick, easy and effective.

For more information on the HcG Diet click here.

In addition to doing the HcG diet I focus on increasing my water levels and do yoga 3 times per week. I also increase my probiotics during this period to support my digestive health. I find this an excellent combination to help me detox and feel great.

Detoxing With Food

A number of fresh foods are not only healthy, but also healing and cleansing for your body and they taste good too. Eating the right foods is an important step in cleansing the body naturally. Here is the list of foods that we recommend:

  • Almonds
  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Beets
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cranberries
  • Flaxseed and flaxseed oil
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Grapefruit
  • Kale
  • Lemons
  • Wheat grass

As a general rule, you should increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, with a focus on leafy green vegetables. It’s also important to eat lean proteins as your body needs the amino acids from the protein to detoxify properly.

There are a number of supplements you can take to assist your detox, however you should check in with your naturopath to see which would the most suitable to take.

Foods to Eliminate

Not only do you need to add cleansing and healthy foods to your diet, but also you need to eliminate the bad ones too – in particular pay attention to removing the following foods:

  • Any fatty and oily foods
  • Soft drinks, tea, coffee, ready made juices
  • Alcohol and tobacco
  • Dairy foods
  • Artificially flavoured, sugary or preserved foods
  • Wheat and other grains

Increase Water

Water is one of the most important elements when cleansing your body. Slowly increase your water intake, and given the warmer weather, be conscious of the need to be hydrated at all times.

You need to make sure you are consuming clean and pure water, with no flavour enhancers or anything added to it.

The cells in our body contain water, and if we become dehydrated it can lead to serious health problems.

Check your local health food store to see if they sell reverse osmosis water, if they don’t there are other ways you can make sure you are only drinking pure water.

How Long to Detox?

You can detox as short as 1 day or as long as 30 days, the choice is often a matter of personal desire and willpower.

On average, most people wanting to undergo a short detox opt for a 3 or 7-day program. Often after the first couple of days your body may react differently and you may have diarrhoea or headaches. Don’t be too concerned as these symptoms are normal and should subside within a few days … Though if you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at the clinic.

Click here for information on our 3 day detox program. It’s quick, effective and easy to follow.

A longer detox program is an option for people who can dedicate a longer time to the diet and for those who may need to undergo a longer detox period. It is common if you do take this option, that you will be doing this program for a 28-day period, and if you stick to it you will see wonderful results. We have a great detox program that combines removing bad gut bacteria, healing your digestive tract plus a liver / gall bladder cleanse

Before commencing any detox program, it’s a good idea to consult your naturopath and seek their advice.

What About Exercise?

While detoxing you should avoid doing any strenuous work outs, activities or routines. We are trying to cleanse and relax the body and hard-core workouts can put unnecessary pressure on your body and that can hinder results.

However, you do need to be active to a certain degree. Try practicing yoga: this is wonderful exercise that is healing on the body and the mind. Yoga will also keep you in shape without having to be hard on your body.

Once you complete your detox program, you will be able to see and feel a difference in your body. You will have lost weight, and your mind will be clearer. Most people are happier and of course healthier than when they started.


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