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Switch to fat burning using the Shake It Weight Loss Diet

By August 16, 2013September 7th, 2021Blogs

Switch to fat burning using the Shake It Weight Loss Diet

Your body has three main sources of energy. It can burn fat, glucose (carbohydrate), or protein. When we burn fat, we produce substances called ketones. These are produced normally, and when we measure these ketones in our urine, we know we are burning fat efficiently.

High levels of dietary carbohydrates, also known as high glycaemic load foods (e.g. sugars and starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes), work with the hormone insulin to ‘switch off’ fat burning and increase fat gain.

It becomes virtually impossible to lose fat if you have raised insulin levels.

When your body’s blood sugar and insulin levels are low enough you will switch to a higher level of fat burning. This is the secret to the Shake It Weight Loss Diet. To burn fat you need to restrict high glycaemic load foods to a level where your body will produce less of the hormone insulin thereby increase the rate of fat burning. Eating less food is not the answer; you need to specifically reduce the high glycaemic index, carbohydrate-rich foods in order to ‘switch on’ fat burning.

When following Shake it Weight Loss Diet you can effectively lose between 0.5-2kg per week, we have had many clients over the years successfully drop their unwanted weight and keep it off without feeling as if they are being deprived in any way. Click here for more information on the Naturopath and Weight Loss services at Capalaba Natural health

Written by Award Winning Naturopath and Weight Loss Specialist Tony Daniel of Capalaba Natural Health

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