With the recent outbreak and fear around Corona Virus we wanted to give you some practical Naturopathic ways to boost your immune system. These are some natural ways to boost immunity and the best ways to avoid the Corona Virus.
1. Wash Hands
Washing your hands regularly is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and protect yourself from catching nasty bugs. A good rule of thumb is to wash hands with soap for a good 30 seconds to make sure you are getting rid of all the germs.
2. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is extremely important for helping the immune system stay strong so that it can fight any viruses that are trying to attack. When you are lacking in sleep your body struggles to make it through the day which makes it a bigger job for your immune system to keep up. Most of the body’s repair is also done while we are asleep.
3. Drink plenty of water
Being hydrated is another important factor in boosting your immune system. When you are dehydrated your body has to work that much harder to function properly. Drinking plenty of water is just another way of keeping you strong and healthy. It will also help flush out toxins and pathogens that may be lurking in your system. Additionally drinking enough water will help your bowel work better. One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration.
4. Eating well
Eating a healthy wholefoods diet rich in fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains is a great way of giving your immune system all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to keep fighting off everything that gets thrown at it on a daily basis. Lean protein is also important as are good fats from nuts, seeds, avocado and oily fish.
5. Reduce alcohol
Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver and quickly dehydrates the body making it hard for the immune system to do it’s job effectively. If you are want to give yourself the best chance of not getting sick, reduce or avoid alcohol altogether.
6. Check for food intolerances
Being intolerant to certain foods disrupts the balance of bacteria in the gut. Food intolerances causes inflammation and a whole host of other symptoms. 60% of the immune system resides in the gut so if you are filling it with foods that your body can’t digest you are really putting a strain on your immune system. If you haven’t checked whether you have any food intolerances, you can get a quick 45 minute test done by award winning Naturopath Tony Daniel here at Capalaba Natural Health. Click here for more information on our In-House Food Intolerance Test.
7. Taking supplements
There a quite a few really good natural health supplements that you can take that will help support your immunity. These supplements make it easier for your immune system to fight off the nasties that are constantly attacking it. Some of the best Naturopath supplements for virus’s and boosting immunity include:
- Super Mushroom Complex which contain the main Asian Therapeutic Mushrooms. It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and an immune boosting supplement.
- Engystol which is a homeopathic that boosts immunity especially where viruses are involved. It’s also great for kids and sooky husbands as they are small tablets that have no taste. They also dissolve in the mouth
- Zinc – one of the most important nutrients for the immune system and also for healing the body. Used as a co-factor in over 300 of the body’s functions.
- Vitamin C is amazing for killing viruses and keeping you strong and healthy. Important for adrenal health too.
- Probiotics support good gut health and the immune system through the gut.
These are some of the best ways to avoid Corona virus and to stay strong and healthy all year round. If you would like to purchase any of the above mentioned supplements, feel free to drop into our Naturopathic clinic in Capalaba or give us a call on 3823 3103 and we can post them out to you. If you would like to book in for a food intolerance test please call the clinic and we can make a booking for you or click here. If you would like more information on how Naturopathy or how our Naturopath can help you click here .