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FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent for Natural Pain Relief

By September 23, 2022February 22nd, 2023Blogs

Do you live with ongoing pain?  If so, you’re not alone.

It’s estimated that one in five Australians aged over 45 experiences chronic pain.

Sore back? Have you tried FSM frequency specific microcurrent therapy?

Chronic pain results from damage to body tissue, and can endure long after the original condition has healed, as the nerves continue to signal pain.

People who live with chronic pain often experience loss of function and decreased enjoyment of normal activities, as well as depression and anxiety.

There are many causes including injury, surgery, cancer, fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, to name but a few. 

What is FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent?

Energy medicine recognises that the human body uses various forms of energy for internal communications to maintain vital living systems.

Electrotherapy, a type of energy medicine, uses energies of specific intensities and frequencies to stimulate the repair of tissues and support the body’s in-built healing mechanisms.

Research over the past 20 years indicates that Frequency Specific Microcurrent is very effective at healing tissues and relieving pain. It focusses on the electric signalling of cells and how they resonate within the body.

A microcurrent device is used with two particular frequencies that address the problem at hand. Don’t worry – only low levels of electrical current are applied, and it is quite painless! Instead, patients usually find that the treated area becomes soft and warm within seconds of applying appropriate frequencies, inducing a sense of relaxation.

How Does FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent Work?

FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent operates on the premise that when a cell or tissue has been injured, its basic resonant frequency is changed. Returning the cell to its original frequency allows it to heal more efficiently.

The results are similar to acupuncture and other energy-based techniques, with FSM being especially good for nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and scar tissue.  Patients also report psychological benefits such as enhanced mood and improved cognitive function. 

experience natural pain reliefFSM and Pain Disorders

FSM is effective at treating pain disorders, including:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Pain associated with Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Somatic pain
  • Visceral pain
  • Arthritis
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Most pain conditions

The rate of healing depends on the individual’s condition, and the frequency used, but patients typically experience a reduction in pain from their first session. Generally it takes between three and five sessions to experience complete and permanent relief from pain.

FSM therapy is low-risk, non-invasive and incredibly effective.  So, if pain is an unwelcome, constant companion, contact our friendly team at Capalaba Natural Health and make an appointment without delay!

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