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Can A Naturopath Help Me Lose Weight?

Can A Naturopath Help Me Lose Weight?

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woman in consultation about naturopathy for weight loss

Have you ever considered naturopathy for weight loss?

Maintaining a healthy weight is not only important for your physical health and longevity, but also for your self esteem, energy levels, and mental health.

While there is a great deal of conflicting information and ‘fad’ diets on the internet that provide only temporary weight reductions, there are plenty of weight loss methods that can be successful and sustainable. Capalaba Natural Health can – and does every day – help people shed those extra kilos and improve overall health and wellness, through naturopathy for weight loss. We have helped thousands of people lose weight and keep it off!

How can Naturopathy help me lose weight?

Naturopathy takes a natural and holistic outlook on health and vitality, focusing on not one, but all elements of living a healthy lifestyle. The basis of naturopathy is in the value of eating a healthy diet, staying well-hydrated, establishing good gut health for digestion and managing stress for a better quality of life.

  • Eating a healthy diet

    Eating a healthy diet is arguably the most important factor when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. There are a number of diets specific to weight loss that can be successful, and we can assess which method will be the best for you.

    One of the diets we recommend the most often is the HcG diet as it’s easy to follow, doesn’t require any special diet products, makes people feel great during and after, and it delivers weight loss results quickly. Most people lose between 1 – 2 kg of fat per week. You can see some of our great weight loss results here to see some of our great results. The best part is that the diet doesn’t require a rigorous exercise program to see results!

  • Hydration

    There are a million and one reasons to drink water, and weight loss is one of them. In fact, hydration plays a key role in losing weight and improving overall health naturally. Drinking enough water for your body each day promotes waste removal, boosts fat and carbohydrate burning, and acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking 2L per day is a great guide though if you drink tea or coffee you may need to increase to compensate for the caffeine and subsequent fluid loss caused by its diuretic effect.

  • Digestion

    Gut health is one of the most undervalued aspects of wellness, and influences everything from your mental health and sleep quality through to your digestion and metabolism. Gut bacteria can also affect how your body produces ghrelin (the hormone that makes you hungry) and leptin (the hormone that makes you feel satiated and full). This means that simply diversifying your microbiome could help solve a number of common digestive issues.

  • Stress management

    Stress is often a culprit when it comes to weight gain, so managing your stress levels is hugely important for losing or maintaining a healthy weight and quality of life. The stress hormone known as cortisol is produced in greater quantities during stressful times. Cortisol can also increase your insulin levels, so that you crave sugary, fatty foods. Higher levels of cortisol tends to make us choose ‘comfort foods’ when we’re stressed, so lowering and managing our stress is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight.

The Benefits of Naturopathy for Weight Loss

eating healthy food is all part of naturopathy for weight loss

Our expert Brisbane naturopath will create a custom program that is not only tailored individually for your body and lifestyle, but is also a natural, affordable, and safe way to shed the kilos you’ve been wanting to lose.

We also focus on maintaining vitality so that you feel good throughout the whole process!

Capalaba Natural Health currently offers free weight loss assessments with our award-winning naturopath and weight loss specialist Tony Daniel. This assessment includes everything you need to know about how to effectively lose weight, as well as a report that will show you how much you need to lose, your hydration levels, biological age and more. Tony will discuss how you can lose weight and how to keep the weight off … maintaining a healthy lifestyle that works for you. Contact us for more information or book your appointment online.

Milk intolerance

How Do You Know If You’re Lactose Intolerant?

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Lactose Intolerance

What is lactose and how do we process it?

Lactose is a type of sugar found in dairy products. To break down this sugar our bodies use an enzyme called lactase which allows us to absorb the lactose. Lactase is produced in the small intestine and only a small amount is required to break down lactose. Lactase creates two simple sugars, glucose and galactose from the lactose. These simple sugars are then absorbed into the bloodstream via the lining of the intestines.

What foods contain lactose?

Foods that are high in lactose include:

  • Milk (all types including low fat, buttermilk, goats milk, etc.)
  • Cheese (both hard and soft cheeses)
  • Yoghurt
  • Ice-cream
  • Cream
  • Milk powder
  • Protein shakes which are Whey based

Foods that contain lower amounts of lactose include:

  • Condensed milk
  • Sour cream
  • Aged & processed cheese

Some non dairy foods and also some medicines contain lactose.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

It is estimated that close to 70% of the world’s population suffers from some amount of lactose intolerance. The symptoms of lactose intolerance can begin from 30 minutes to 120 minutes after eating or drinking foods which contain lactose.

The most common signs of lactose intolerance are:

  • Irritable bowel type symptoms (IBS)
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Pain or discomfort

Are there different types of lactose intolerance?

There are three different types of lactose intolerance which are caused by lactase deficiency.

Primary lactose intolerance

This is the most common type of lactose intolerance, experienced by people who began life producing enough lactase. Over time, the amount of lactase produced by the small intestine lessens, leading to minor or major lactose intolerance.

Secondary lactose intolerance

This type of intolerance is experienced after injury or illness of the small intestine. Sometimes also beginning after surgery. There is evidence that treatment of the underlying disorder may improve lactase levels and decrease symptoms.

Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance

In rare cases a baby is born with a lack of lactase leading to lactose intolerance from birth. This disorder can be genetic and passed down through generations, however premature birth can also be a cause.

What is the best way to test for lactose intolerance?

Testing for lactose intolerance begins with a quick skin prick test. This allows us to diagnose if you have a dairy intolerance or another food intolerance, as gluten intolerance. If you have a dairy intolerance then we do a simple elimination / challenge dietary protocol to determine if you are full dairy or just lactose intolerant.

Food intolerances are not related to your immune system, they are related to your digestive system. Most food intolerances won’t be diagnosed by a general food allergy test or by your General Practitioner.

At Capalaba Natural Health, our team of naturopaths are uniquely skilled in identifying food intolerances. We provide advice and diet plans to minimise the impact of your intolerance on your day to day life. Food intolerances are rarely life threatening, however they can drastically reduce your quality of life. To find out more or get started managing your food intolerance, book an appointment with us online.

What treatments are available for lactose intolerance?

Most people who find they are lactose intolerant can modify their diet to reduce the amount of lactose they consume without cutting out all dairy and foods or medications that contain lactose.

Ways to minimise symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

  • Substituting lactose-reduced or lactose free products
  • Choosing smaller servings of dairy (approx 100 millilitres) at a time
  • Only have dairy at mealtimes with other foods to slow the digestion process
  • Experiment with different dairy products to find ones that produce less symptoms eg. Swiss or cheddar cheese
  • Using lactase enzyme tablets or drops to help you digest dairy products
  • Full elimination of all dairy containing products.

If you’re suffering from the symptoms of lactose intolerance and you would like to talk to an expert. Make a booking today and let us help you to improve your day to day life and enjoy food without feeling unwell.

The Benefits Of Turmeric

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Is Turmeric worth taking?

Like many spices, turmeric has a long history of use in traditional medicine. This flavour-filled spice is primarily cultivated from the rhizomes, or roots, of a flowering plant in India and other parts of Southeast Asia, and aside from giving curry its vibrant yellow colour, turmeric is also known for having potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Turmeric latte

The primary active component of turmeric — and the one that gives the spice its characteristic yellow colour — is curcumin. Curcumin is a natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as [possible] benefits related to slowing the aging process and preventing Alzheimer’s disease and potentially depression.

Turmeric (and curcumin on its own) doesn’t absorb well into the bloodstream, but it is improved by adding black pepper anytime you use turmeric, and/or taking a turmeric supplement that incorporates black pepper. The Naturopathic practitioner Turmeric supplements used in the clinic have special delivery methods so that you maximise the amount curcumin absorbed.

Having a curry once a month will be fun and delicious and offers some benefits but not be sufficient to reap the true benefits of curcumin. Taking a supplement is your best bet for reaping all the benefits that this superfood has to offer.

Turmeric Root

What Can Turmeric Do For You?

Treats Inflammation

One of turmeric’s main claims to fame is that it’s commonly used to fight inflammation, in the right dose, curcumin may be a more effective anti-inflammatory treatment than common inflammation-fighting medications such as Advil/Nurofen and aspirin, according to a past study. Inflammation is the root cause of every illness so reducing inflammation is a great way to be healthier and combat disease.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Curcumin may help reverse many steps in the heart disease process.

The main benefit of curcumin when it comes to heart disease is improving the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of your blood vessels.

It’s well known that endothelial dysfunction, and endothelial inflammation, is a major driver of heart disease and involves an inability of your endothelium to regulate blood pressure, blood clotting and various other factors.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world and a leading cause of dementia.

It’s known that inflammation and oxidative damage play a role in Alzheimer’s disease, and curcumin has beneficial effects on both.

Turmeric DrinkHelps with Arthritis

There are several different types of arthritis, most of which involve inflammation of the connective tissues around the joints.

Given that curcumin is a a potent anti-inflammatory compound, it makes sense that it may help with arthritis.

In a study in people with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin was even more effective than an anti-inflammatory drug.

Benefits against depression

Thanks to turmeric’s ability to boost levels of BDNF, the spice shows promise as an effective antidepressant.

In a study in humans, researchers randomly assigned 60 patients with major depressive disorder to one of three groups: one group received daily 20 mg of fluoxetine (Prozac is a common brand name), another received 1,000 mg of curcumin, and a third received a combination of the two. By the end of six weeks, the three groups saw comparable improvements, leading researchers to suggest that curcumin may be a safe and effective treatment for major depressive disorder.

Turmeric Powder

Here are Capalaba Natural Health we have a professional grade Turmeric supplement called Inflavanoid Intensive Care that is a therapeutic dose to help you battle all the above ailments.

Call the clinic today on 3823 3103 and book an appointment with Tony the Naturopath to see how we can help you.


By Award Winning Naturopath Tony Daniel of Capalaba Natural Health.

Do I have Celiac Disease?

Gluten Intolerance: Is Gluten Making Me Sick?

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Gluten Intolerance

What Are The Most Common Signs Of Gluten Intolerance?

Adverse reactions to gluten are a fairly common problem. Let’s begin with an explanation of what gluten is and then we’ll discuss the different types of gluten intolerance.

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is the name for proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and also triticale (a cross between wheat & rye). As its name suggests, gluten acts like a glue to help hold food together. Gluten is found in a wide range of foods including:

  • Breads
  • Soups
  • Pasta
  • Cereals
  • Sauces
  • Salad Dressings
  • Malt
  • Food Colouring
  • Beer

Types Of Gluten Intolerance

The most severe form of gluten intolerance is coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is a serious autoimmune disease which damages the digestive system. Left untreated coeliac disease can lead to serious health problems. When coeliac disease is ruled out in people experiencing symptoms, they are often diagnosed with either wheat allergy or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).

Keep reading to learn about the symptoms and causes of these different conditions.

What Is Coeliac Disease And What Are The Symptoms?

Celiac disease is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. There is a genetic predisposition (meaning that it runs in families) to coeliac disease, which means that if one of your parents is coeliac, you should be tested. Although many people live with coeliac, without even knowing they have it, once diagnosed, they often enjoy a better quality of life.

When people with coeliac disease eat gluten, their bodies create an immune response which attacks the villi in the small intestine. When the villi are damaged the body cannot properly absorb nutrients which can lead to deficiencies and malnutrition.

The symptoms of coeliac disease are:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Excess gas
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Dermatitis
  • Depression

What Is Wheat Allergy And What Are The Symptoms?

Wheat allergy is an immune response to any of the proteins found in wheat (below), which includes gluten:

  • albumin
  • globulin
  • gliadin
  • glutenin, or gluten

Wheat allergy is most common in children who will often outgrow the condition by the time they reach their teens.

Symptoms of wheat allergy can begin within a few minutes of eating food containing wheat or even up to a few hours after. The range of symptoms is incredibly wide from discomfort all the way to life threatening, with severe difficulty breathing, known as anaphylaxis. People with a life threatening reaction to wheat will usually carry a medical device called an EpiPen, which can be used to inject a life saving dose of epinephrine to someone who has accidentally ingested wheat.

Symptoms of wheat allergy include:

  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Nasal congestion or allergic rhinitis
  • Watery, itchy or irritated eyes
  • Mouth or throat swelling, itching or irritation
  • Hives, rash or eczema
  • Difficulty breathing, asthma or anaphylaxis
  • Headache
  • Bloated stomach

What Is Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) And What Are The Symptoms?

Gluten sensitivity is sometimes referred to as gluten intolerance. Individuals with gluten sensitivity can’t tolerate gluten but they do not show the same intestinal damage as people diagnosed with coeliac disease. These individuals share many of the same symptoms, however usually not as severe.

People living with NCGS often have more symptoms outside of the intestinal organs. These types of symptoms include:

  • Foggy mind
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Numbness in the arms, legs or fingers
  • Fatigue

Other symptoms of non-coeliac gluten intolerance include:

  • Bloating
  • Excess gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea or constipation

How We Can Help

While an intolerance or sensitivity to certain foods including proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale may not be life threatening, they can still be quite debilitating and leave you feeling unwell most of the time.

As most of the conditions discussed above have very similar symptoms, it can be challenging to know which foods or food products you are reacting to. That’s where we can help! Tony our Award Winning Naturopath is qualified to carry out food intolerance tests and help you to interpret the results. With over 60% of your immune system in your gut and it being the seat of your health … improving your digestive function can have a dramatic impact on your health and can help correct many health conditions.

Take the first step toward a healthier you, contact one of our friendly staff today on (07) 3823 3103 to book a consultation with a health professional at Capalaba Natural Health!

How Naturopathy can improve your Skin Health

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Skin is the body’s largest organ and one of your body’s elimination organs. When healthy, its layers work hard to protect us. But when it’s compromised, the skin’s ability to work as an effective barrier is impaired.

From acne breakouts during your teenage years to the radiant glow of pregnancy and the sunspots of aging, both your age and your health are reflected in your skin.

Lets talk about ways to keep your skin healthy and free from ailments:

Eating a healthy diet

We all know that you are what you eat. What you put in your mouth gets digested and used by the body so naturally you want to stick to foods that are full of life giving properties like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and healthy proteins. Good fats is essential for keeping your skin moisturised and looking it’s best.

Some skin healthy foods include :

Mangoes for their antioxidant properties which protect the skin and improve collagen.

Tomatoes have skin cancer prevention benefits. One study in mice revealed that daily consumption of tomatoes decreased skin cancer tumors by up to 50 percent after UV light exposure. Tomatoes can also protect you from sunburn.

Omega-3 found in oily fish, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds or oils such as linseed oil and corn oil may prevent dryness and scaling of the skin.

Cocoa flavanoids found in dark chocolate may improve the structure and function of skin. Scientists discovered that cocoa flavanoids decreased roughness and scaling on skin, increased skin hydration, and helped to support the skin’s defenses against damage from UV rays.

Olive oil is associated with a lower risk of severe facial photo-aging — that is, cumulative damage to the skin that includes wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration, which result from long-term sunlight exposure.


Hydration is a key factor in keeping the skin young, supple and wrinkle free. Not only does it plump up the skin it also flushes toxins out of the body and gives your skin a healthy glow. Drinking 2 litres of water per day will keep you looking and feeling amazing. It can also help with other health concerns like constipation, lubricates the joints, regulates body temperature and maintains blood pressure.


Your skin is covered in small glands, called sebaceous glands — these secrete an essential oil called sebum which helps keeps your skin healthy. These glands have receptors on them which respond to your hormones, including oestrogen and testosterone.

Acne is one of the most common skin problems today — and it can happen at any age. It’s estimated that about 5% of women and 1% of men over the age of 25 suffer from acne. Forms of hormonal acne include:





Things that can cause acne include food intolerances and a toxic liver. If you are having any kind of skin issues like acne, eczema, hives etc then it is more than like that your liver is suffering. If your liver is struggling to detoxify toxins then it can often use the skin to assist in the elimination process … But this can often result in toxic overload to the skin glands and acne etc… can result.

Digestion/Food Intolerances

The gut is the cornerstone of good health. In fact, it’s where 70 to 80 per cent of the immune system lies. When your gut is functioning optimally, you will notice better energy, skin, mood and immune function.

If your digestive system is sluggish, you may experience constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain, hormonal imbalance, skin issues and more.

Certain food intolerances can wreak havoc on the skin too. If you are intolerant to dairy or eggs for example, which a lot of people are, then it could be showing up as acne, eczema, psoriasis and hives. Getting a food intolerance test could end years of suffering from these skin conditions. For more information on Food Intolerance click here

The Liver

The liver is the primary detoxification organ in your body. Everything you eat, drink, smell, touch and put on your skin must be detoxified by your liver. A congested liver is less able to break down toxins efficiently, causing them to build up. As a result, your body will try to flush these toxins out in other ways, such as through your sweat. When those harmful substances are expelled through your pores, they can irritate and inflame the skin. That’s where breakouts can occur.

Ways to improve liver function include:

Milk thistle’s seeds contain a powerful flavonoid called silymarin. Silymarin is an important antioxidant and one of the most potent liver purifiers in nature. It supports and protects the liver by optimizing liver function and detoxification. It works by binding to the outside of the liver cell fending off toxins by blocking their entry to the liver cell.

NAC stands for N-acetyl cysteine. If taken regularly, NAC can even help to restore a liver that has been damaged by drugs or poisoning. This makes NAC a very beneficial addition to a liver cleanse program, when your liver may be suffering extra wear and tear due to the amount of toxins being moved out of your cells. A healthier, more efficient liver means better skin.

Naturopaths have long used dandelion root to improve liver health and function. Dandelion root tea is often recommended as part of a liver cleansing program and as part of our weight loss program to aid weight loss.  Dandelion Root helps to regenerate the liver, cleanse the liver and improve gallbladder function.

Naturopathy and Skin Health

Naturopath’s have many ways that they can improve your skin health from food intolerance testing, using herbs to cleanse your skin, or herbs for inflammatory skin conditions plus minerals such as Silica to improve the skins integrity.

If you are having issues with skin be it hormonal acnes, eczema, pimples, hives or psoriasis why not come into the clinic and have a consultation with our Award Winning Naturopath Tony Daniel.

You can book online here or by calling the clinic on 3823 3103. Click here for more information on Naturopathy or how our Naturopath can help you with your skin health.

Tips to keep your joints healthy

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A joint is the connection between two bones. Joints and their surrounding structures allow you to bend your elbows and knees, wiggle your hips, bend your back, turn your head, and wave your fingers to say bye-bye. Smooth tissue called cartilage and a lubricant called synovial fluid cushion the joints so bones do not rub together. But increasing age, injury, or carrying too much weight can wear and tear your cartilage. This can lead to a reaction that can damage your joints and lead to arthritis which is an inflammation of the tissue in the joints.

Woman with flexible joints

It’s the golden rule of joint health: The more you move, the less stiffness you’ll have. Whether you’re reading, working, or watching TV, change positions often. Take breaks from your desk or your chair and get active.

Your size affects some of the strain on your hips, knees, and back. Even a little weight loss can help. Every kilo you lose takes 5 kilo’s of pressure off the knees. So imagine if you lose 20 kg then you are taking 100 kgs of pressure off your knees.

Exercise can help you lose extra kilo’s and maintain a healthy weight. Some research suggests that aerobic exercise – activities that get your heart rate up can reduce joint swelling. If your joints bother you, opt for exercises that won’t give your joints a pounding. Instead of step aerobics, try low-impact exercises such as swimming or bicycling.

Woman doing exercise

Eating a healthy diet is good for your joints, because it helps build strong bones and muscles.

For your bones, make sure you get enough calcium every day. You can do this by eating foods such as milk, yogurt, broccoli, kale, figs, and fortified foods like soy or almond milk.

Did you know that 1 teaspoon of tahini (Sesame seeds) will give you the base level of calcium your body needs daily.

For your muscles, you need to get enough protein. Exactly how much you need depends on your age, sex, and how active you are. Good sources include lean meats, seafood, beans, legumes, soy products, and nuts.

You also need vitamin D to keep your bones and joints in good health. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the foods you eat. Dairy products. many cereals, soy milk, and almond milk are fortified with vitamin D. 30 minute of morning or afternoon sun will also significantly help support your vitamin D levels.

Oranges may also give your joints a healthy boost. Some studies suggest that Vitamin C and other antioxidants can help keep your joints healthy.

Glucosamine is natural component of cartilage, a substance that prevents bones from rubbing against each other and causing pain and inflammation. It might also help prevent the cartilage breakdown that can happen with arthritis.

Turmeric is one of the most popular supplements for treating pain, including joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects are attributed to a chemical compound in turmeric called Curcumin.

Fish Oils also help reduce inflammation in joints and other areas of the body. Fish Oils contain the anti-inflammatory omega 3 oils which reduce joint pain but also reduce inflamation in the cells membranes plus improves cognition. Taking a high dose quality fish oil can have significant benefits across many areas of your health.

Fish oil help with joint health


Reducing muscle tightness and stiffness through stretching or massages can also help take pressure off the joints.

If you are suffering from joint pain and arthritis why not make an appointment today with our Award Winning Naturopath Tony who can help you get rid of your pain and discomfort. You can book online here or by calling the clinic on 3823 3103.

Click here for more information about how our Naturopath can help you with joint care.





Lose Weight … And start building your Summer body Now?

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Lose weight

Lose weight and feel great. Build your summer body now.

There is only 3 month to go before Summer is officially here and that means approximately 4 months until Christmas! Now is the time to lose weight and start building that Summer body of your dreams. Months of hiding behind leggings and sweaters, the warmer weather means you are suddenly thrust into shorts and t-shirts. Suddenly you notice that you may have put on a few kilos over the cooler months. You may have gained some cellulite on your legs and bum. You also realise that you may have to get into a bikini/swimsuit very soon.

Don’t freak out though! Tony the award winning Naturopath from Capalaba Natural Health is here to help! He has been helping people lose weight and building their dream bodies for the last 13 years with the HCG diet. Over 3,000 people have successfully completed the weight loss program and couldn’t be happier. Even people who are at their wits end with losing weight and have tried every other diet out there. They have said this is the one that actually worked for them and helped them lose weight and reach their weight loss goals. Tony will even teach strategies to help keep the weight off too. Read More

Massage and Reiki Treatments

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Massage therapy is a powerful tool to help reduce muscle tension and stress, by manipulating the soft tissues of the body we can help improve circulation, relieve discomfort and pain and induce a state of relaxation.

Relaxation Massage

It is used all over the world and is now seen as an essential part of healthcare. It has many benefits including –

  • releases muscle tension
  • improves quality of sleep
  • improves circulation
  • reduces stress
  • activates the lymphatic system
  • induces a state of relaxation
  • promotes a positive mindset
  • reduces anxiety
  • increases and promotes joint flexibility

Amy offers 2 types [Strictly professional services only]


Using flowing strokes and therapeutic techniques this massage is great for releasing built up tension and for relaxation. Melt away aches and pains and leave feeling relaxed and reinvigorated.

Lomi Lomi

This massage originates from Hawaii and is known as the “ loving hands” massage. In this massage we use long flowing strokes that mimic the oceans waves and induce a deep state of calm and relaxation. For more information on Lomi Lomi click here.

For Massage Capalaba you can book online here or call the clinic on 3823 3103. Click here for more information on Massage and the benefits of how massage can help you.


Reiki is a gentle energy healing modality that utilizes “life force energy” to promote healing. It works with the chakras to bring balance to mind, body and spirit. This modality is performed fully clothed and is a beautiful treatment

Benefits of Reiki

  • Promotes self-healing
  • Restores balance to mind, body and spirit
  • Relaxes and releases tension
  • Breaks down energy blockages
  • Cleanses body of toxins and supports immune system
  • Promotes spiritual growth

For Reiki Treatments Capalaba call 3823 3103 or click here to make a booking. For more information on Reiki and how Reiki can help you click here . Have you ever considered learning to become a Reiki practitioner? For more information click here .


Medicinal Teas

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Did you know that Medicinal Teas have been used as healing remedies since the second century BC? Although nobody is quite certain how it was discovered, Tea is still a favourite drink today and has many beneficial properties. It’s a fact that next to water, Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world with a whopping two-thirds of us drinking it. Here are some of the benefits of drinking medicinal tea:

Immune Boosting

There is evidence that green tea and chamomile tea can help strengthen the immune system. Even if the effect is minimal, you can’t go wrong, since both are loaded with powerful antioxidants unique to each tea.

Warming Teas to fight the cold

Certain teas simply make us feel good or please our taste buds. Others, though, are here to deliver us from the cold, actually helping our bodies fight the freeze, combat the germs floating around, and even battle the bulge. Warming teas, as we call them, are both warm in terms of flavor and in terms of their duty – to actually heat up our palettes and bodies. These include Peppermint, Ginger and Cinnamon based teas.

Improving Circulation

Proper blood circulation is essential to improve the ability to regulate body temperature, decrease heart wear and therefore reduce the chances of cardiovascular problems.

One of the organs most benefited by the consumption of tea is the heart, which receives the protection of the flavonoids. Varicose veins are another cause of poor circulation. Teas that can help improve circulation include Astralagus Root Tea, Ginger Tea, Ginko Biloba Tea and Hibiscus tea.


Eye Health

The study of U.S. adults found that people who drank hot tea on a daily basis were 74 percent less likely to have glaucoma compared to those who were not tea fans.
Special antioxidants called flavonoids in the tea leaves help protect the eyes against diseases such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and some types of glaucoma. One particular flavonoid known as gallocatechin collects in the retina and actually protects the retina against dangerous UV rays. The best teas for eye health include Rooibus, Green and Eyebright tea.

Skin health

Did you know that some teas also have skin benefits? It’s true! Tea, which is rich in polyphenols (molecules that have antioxidant properties), can help keep your skin hydrated, reverse the effects of UV damage, and reduce inflammation. Studies have shown that drinking green tea may actually help reduce your risk of skin cancer (although you still have to wear SPF 30 daily, of course).
Want to keep your skin looking youthful? You might want to give yerba maté tea, also known as maté, a sip. It’s loaded with antioxidants, which help prevent and repair skin damage caused by free radicals. The drink is made from the dried leaves of the yerba maté plant found in Central and South America and also contains high levels of caffeine.


Chronic inflammation occurs when the protective response goes into hyperdrive. This extends the body’s response to injury well past the time when it should have stopped. The immune system may switch on to continue the cycle, but sometimes inflammation occurs with no inciting injury or condition.

So how does anti-inflammatory tea help relieve the dangerous cycle of inflammation and pain? Some anti-inflammatory teas help to reduce the body’s production of cytokines, a chemical that causes inflammation. Others not only help limit cytokines, but also reduce the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes that promote inflammation.

Green tea is one of the most-researched anti-inflammatory herbal teas available. While not a leaf, turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory root that has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal tea. Turmeric is earthy-tasting and harnesses the power of curcumin, a well-studied compound that fights inflammation. Rooibos tea is grown only in South Africa. Caffeine-free and with a sweet, barely tart flavor some compare to cranberries, rooibos contains two of the most powerful flavonoids found in anti-inflammatory tea: aspalathin and nothofagin.


Stomach problems are a drag. They make it difficult to function and can cause a host of side effects that prevent you from tackling the day ahead. Fortunately, most minor digestive issues are easy to treat in a tasty way. Tea is backed by extensive research as an effective digestive aid. Whether you’re suffering from cramps and bloating or simply want to streamline digestion, these teas can help.

Ginger root tea has long been used to treat digestive ailments including nausea. The spicy taste of ginger stimulates the production of gastric juices and digestive enzymes that help break down food. As a result, ginger tea may help to speed up metabolism and ease digestive symptoms such as bloating and stomach cramps

Peppermint tea is a popular ingredient in herbal remedies for pain treatment. The tingly, fresh aroma and taste can help soothe stomach pain by decreasing inflammation. This tea is particularly effective at treating stomach pains caused by upset stomach, bloating, and excess gas. That’s because it contains menthol and menthone, which help to reduce inflammation and soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines

Licorice root tea is famous for treating a cough. It has also been used for centuries to treat digestive issues in traditional medicine in Asia. Licorice root may help to prevent and treat ulcers by increasing the production of mucin, a compound that lines the stomach and protects the stomach from excess stomach acid. The tea also contains flavonoids that may fight off H. pylori bacteria that cause ulcers.

Ooolong tea aids the digestive tract because it is mildly antiseptic, and helps to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the gut. In addition, it has an alkalizing effect that helps reduce acid reflux. Thai Lemongrass Oolong also contains licorice root, which helps to reduce inflammation and soothe ulcers. Lemongrass has been used extensively to treat gastrointestinal discomfort and is very soothing.

Enjoy !!!

Why not give medicinal teas a go? If you would like more information on how Naturopathy or how our Naturopath can help you click here .

Feeling tired all the time? It could be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!

By Blogs

Are you feeling tired and exhausted all the time, and think it’s just because of your busy lifestyle? Are you feeling sluggish when you wake up and find it hard to get going in the morning? Do you have more energy at night rather than during the day or feel like you need a nap mid afternoon?  You could be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

  • Feeling Fatigued for at least 3 months
  • Fatigue that doesn’t improve with bed rest
  • Extreme fatigue after physical or mental activities
  • Feeling unrefreshed after a nights sleep
  • Insomnia or extremely restless sleep
  • Loss of memory / reduced concentration / Brain fog
  • Getting dizzy when going from lying down to standing
  • Headaches
  • Greatly lowered ability to do activities like you did before
  • Often people with chronic fatigue syndrome are tender to touch and may also have sore glands



What causes CFS?

Fatigue may be caused by numerous factors including nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep but mainly due to these reasons:

1. Depleted Adrenals

The adrenal glands are small, but they have a very big role, because they are responsible for managing stress. The glands are an integral part of the endocrine system, and secrete hormones that manage a range of body functions, including adrenaline. The adrenal glands can become depleted due to stress, chronic inflammation, lack of sleep, excessive exercise, and overwork. When this happens, chronic fatigue is often the result. Adrenal fatigue is often a driver of hot flushes on menopausal woman.

2. Digestive Issues

Food is processed through the digestive system. However, if food is not broken down so that it can be absorbed in the blood stream, this can give rise to problems in the digestive system. These problems can trigger internal discomfort, inflammation, poor absorption and cause fatigue. The functionality of the liver, its ability to clear toxins and process foods and chemicals can also contribute to fatigue.

3. Food Intolerances

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms can also be caused by food intolerances, which is a chemical response that some people have after eating specific types of food. Foods that often cause intolerances include milk and other dairy products, wheat, gluten, yeast and eggs. Eliminating the food is the best way to alleviate the problem. This may require a visit to the clinic to see Tony Daniel our naturopath so that he can perform a Food Intolerance Test to help identify the offending foods. Most people experience a significant increase in energy and reduced brain fog when the eliminate foods that they are intolerant to.

4. Mineral Deficiency

Minerals are literally the ‘Spark plugs of life’ and deficiencies in these essential nutrients will result in symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, cramps, aches and pains. Every process in the body is mineral dependent and therefore ensuring you have the right balance of minerals is critical to a healthy functioning body. Most people with Chronic fatigue Syndrome have mineral deficiencies, often Magnesium, phosphate and iodine. Magnesium deficiency is often responsible for the muscle aches and pain, headaches and fibromyalgia type symptoms associated with chronic fatigue.

5. Heavy Metal Toxicity

With today’s society being so polluted and with the use of pesticides and herbicides the body accumulates heavy metals which it doesn’t know what to do with. Excess levels result in many negative symptoms and often mimic chronic illness, especially the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The main symptom associated with heavy metals is fatigue along with brain fog, poor memory, joint pain and poor concentration. Removing these toxic substances can significantly improve your health and well being and increase your vitality.

6. Viral Infections

Scientists have recently discovered that certain viruses can trigger Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This can also be referred to post viral syndrome or post viral fatigue and can last for months after being struck down with a virus. The most common culprit being Epstein Barr Virus though other viruses can also create this type of fatigue.


How to treat it:

If you have have been suffering from the above symptoms for a few months and things aren’t improving there is a good chance that you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Adrenal Fatigue. Here at Capalaba Natural Health our award winning naturopath Tony Daniel specialises in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We can do a complete naturopathic assessment and test for all of the causes of fatigue and advise you which ones are driving your fatigue and then put together a natural health plan to correct any imbalances found.

It’s Tony’s belief that everyone should have 8/10 energy levels and strives to achieve this for his clients. If you would like to book an appointment with Tony then call the clinic today on 3823 3103 or click here for more information on treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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